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Safety Resources


Safety-Related Stocking Stuffers

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

I love a practical gift and always fill my family's stocking with extremely practical things like dental floss, socks, etc. As I've been working to get my family's stocking stuffed, I started thinking about easy to pick up items that would enhance your family's safety. Here are some ideas if you like practical gifts, too.

-Smoke Detectors for every floor of your family's home and near every bedroom

-Carbon Monoxide Detectors for every floor of your family's home

-Batteries for either type of detector



-Cell Phone Chargers for Your car so you can use your phone is low on battery and you're stuck somewhere

-Tire pressure gauge (improperly inflated tires aren't safe)

-Flameless votive candles or tealights (make sure to secure button batteries)

Wishing your family a safe and healthy holiday season.


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