Want to make your home safer for your family in the New Year? Here are a few simple steps. They don't take a lot of time to do and you'll feel a sense of accomplishment when you complete them.
1) Subscribe to product recall alerts. Products are recalled all the time. In the last week, swimsuits, infant rompers, candle holders and ceiling fans were recalled. I would venture to say that you may not have heard about any of them. The fact is that very few recalled products actually make it into social or mainstream media. That's why it's important to subscribe to the recalled products alerts at https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/Subscribe. It only takes a minute or two and you'll be alerted via email of any products recalls in a variety of categories.
2) Put the Illinois Poison Center number into your cell phone contacts. Instructions below.

You never know when you might encounter a potential poison and when you do, you'll be prepared. The Illinois Poison Center is FREE and open 24/7 365 days a year. The line is staffed by poison experts who can often help you treat your potential exposure without heading to the hospital emergency room.
3) Anchor your furniture. My final safety recommendation takes a little more time but your family is worth it. Take out your tools and anchor your furniture. A lot of furniture comes with anchors on back but if it doesn't they
are easy to pick up at any hardware or big box store or order on-line. Anything that is heavy like dressers, televisions, shelving units, - should be anchored. Young kids use furniture to climb and it can tip very easily.
It looks like we're going to continue to spend a lot of time at home into 2021 so these are some small ways you can make your home and family safer. Wishing you a healthy and safe 2021.